Winter Warmers…Hello Hot Drinks

I definitely felt the turn of the seasons today, the chill in the air went right through me and I heard a proper Christmas song on the radio…so there’s absolutely nothing for it but a soothing hot drink in front of the fire (or radiator in my case!) – but what to choose? Here are a few of my favourites…

Pimms Winter

Well lets start things off with a bit of a kick…it is the festive season after all. I absolutely adore a Winter Pimms, it totally captures the essence of Christmas in a warming cupful that’s less heavy and hangover-inducing that mulled wine. Of course you need the finishing touches – don’t forget some citrus fruits for the full-on festive, fireside experience.

Twinings Signature Blend Earl Grey

Now for something a little calmer, Twinings Signature Blend Earl Grey is just delightful, aromatic, pure loveliness in cup. The signature blend is like Earl Grey and then some…with lavender and full of flavours that just taste fancy! In fact it is so fancy that the little silken pouches the tea comes in are called ‘tea pillows’ – how wonderful. I take mine with a dash of skimmed milk…perfection!

Ahmad Prime Time Tea

For those of you who prefer your tea little a more conventional, but still want something special, checkout my favourite everyday cuppa – Ahmad Prime Time Tea. I’m lucky it’s a local based company – so I find it in quite a few places, but I’m pretty sure it’s available online too. It’s refreshing, perhaps a little lighter than some strong teas, but with a full tea flavour.

Tetley Green Tea Lemon

I’ll always have a soft spot for Tetley, but their Lemon Green Tea really is better than any other out there. It’s perfect for when you feel like a bit of detox, but it’s far more exciting and flavourful than a plain old hot water. It’s genuinely enjoyable (unlike some green teas!), really zesty and thoroughly drinkable – definitely ideal after an overdose of the festivities that this of year always brings.

Ovaltine Malt Chocolate

Mmmm…ultimate evening fireside beverage! I like mine on Sunday nights to help me sleep, it works wonders (too well sometimes, often end up fighting my eyes on the sofa). It’s a wonderfully nostalgic taste that never fails to soothe and relax me, it also so much lighter than a traditional hot chocolate – which I often find too rich. Give this one a try – it’ll take you back to childhood!

Baileys Latte

What a delicious note to finish on…if you haven’t tried this –  you must! You can make it at home, but I find it best in a restaurant as a warming alternative to a dessert. The combination of coffee, frothed milk and a luxurious helping of Baileys is simply fabulous. Just imagine it at the end of a meal, in a cosy pub, warming the soul..aaahhhh.

…So have I got you reaching for the kettle? What will you be putting on? Whatever your favourite hot beverage, take the time to sit down and really enjoy it…savour those comforting moments.

Author: missdaze

I'm all about cups of tea, cheese & wine, vintage bits & pieces, writing things, my pet parrot & Tom.

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